Affiliate marketing websites that can earn you money. Make money online the easier way. Whenever someone signs up entering his/her email through the link that you share, you earn something through it as an affiliate. But you need to sign up for the companies that you wanted to work with as an affiliate and to promote their services. It’s that simple but you need to understand what are the legitimate companies that you are promoting which can help others in some ways.
Affiliate marketing is simply selling a service or a product of other companies through sharing a link as an affiliate. And whenever someone buys the product or the service or even signs up through your given link you will make money. An easy way to work from home and make some money as a passive income.
More into simpler words, whenever you share the link to someone and whenever someone just signs up without buying anything, just register on the website you will make money. And that’s called CPL marketing i.e cost per lead marketing. Not all companies but some companies do provide click per lead. Let’s see how it works described down below.
CPL marketing
We simply need to find services that pay per sign up and that’s what I am going to share the services that work best according to me as it pays per sign up as mentioned to their websites, once you start working as an affiliate. A few examples are listed below.
In order to brief these websites/services, I would like to mention that you can easily join and become an affiliate to their products to promote or sell. is one of the top SEO services available online. This online tool helps users to optimize their websites by search engines which helps rank in google in order to get more traffic to their websites. If you go down to the bottom of the homepage of Semrush you will see the affiliate program.
Grammarly is one of the top sources that allows you to fix spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes anything when you write in English. A perfect online tool for anyone who is working online and creating notes or content into their pages and websites. This service also provides an affiliate program. You may simply scroll down to the bottom of the home page and into the company section, you will find the affiliate link. Here also you can earn big-time money online by promoting their services once they approve you to join. In Grammarly, you can find to share links, the texts the banner ads, and more to share.
Constant This is one of the top marketing services all over the internet. If you join the affiliate program you may earn from this per lead /per sign up as well.
SkillShare is also one of the best top online sources for courses and teaching and sharing skills with others. It’s a great platform to share and learn as well. If you go down below the page you will see the affiliate link where you can fill-up the form and join for free and once you get approved by them you can start earning by promoting their services.
What is Affiliate Marketing ?
Affiliate marketing is simply a service or a product which is being promoted online to earn some commision. So the first step in affiliate marketing is picking up a product and usually the product that you will pick should relate to your Niche. The product of your intetests that you thnk can be helpful if you share. Something that interests you and you are willing to share the experience by recomending that product to others online.
You may start a blog based on your knowlege and interest and put affiliate links into it. Affiliate links you can put in between of your contents where required. So that anyone who is going through your blog post can relate the product with your content that you published online to sell or buy.
Products could be physical products or digital products both. Or may be online tools or educational websites or services that are being marketed or promoted as an affiliate.